Takaharu Tezuka & Masahide Kakudate Lecture

Tezuka and Kakudate Lecture

Takaharu Tezuka & Masahide Kakudate Lecture

10:00-12:00, Tuesday, 2018.9.11 
EA CoWorking Space, NCTU

Architects Takaharu Tezuka and Masahide Kakudate were invited by the USR Project and TDIS, NCTU, to an international forum and workshop in lighting up the Hsinchu City, especially the old town center. We invited them to stop by and give a talk sharing their experience with kids (human)-friendly space design and lighting to bring back the city life.

Takaharu Tezuka, Architect

Takaharu Tezuka is a Japanese architect. In 1994, he and his wife Yui Tezuka founded the Tokyo-based firm Tezuka Architects. Projects by Tezuka Architects include the Roof House, Echigo-Matsunoyama Museum of Natural Science, Fuji Kindergarten and Woods of Net. Their recent awards include Japan Institute of Architects Prize (2009), Association for Children’s Environment Design Award (2011) and OECD/CELE 4th Compendium of Exemplary Educational Facilities (2011).

Masahide Kakudate, Lighting Architect

After completing postgraduate architectural studies at Nihon University, he worked first for TL Yamagiwa Laboratory Inc., then Lighting Planners Associates Inc. then LIGHT FIELD ARCHITECTS, before establishing his own firm, Masahide Kakudate Lighting Architect & Associates, Inc., in 2000.
Doctor of Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University in 2009. He has collaborated with Takaharu Tezuka in various projects, including the world renown Fuji Kindergarten.

Posted in Lecture.