GIA Project Review 2014: A Class of General Education on City

The theme of GIA Exhibition 2014 is “A Class of General Education on City.” We hope to share and learn about the issues of the city from the general public through questions and answers provided by participated students. We also present our vision of the future architecture by using texts, images and models, which make them easily understandable to the public and even K-12 students. And we also invite all visitors to express their ideas and speak out for the city.

It’s a class of general education, but not an usual class. We package questions of the city into a container in which models and documents and also voices from the visitors are part of the exhibition.

The issues we concerns in the Graduate Institute of Architecture are diverse, from phenomenas in the city, arts & aesthetics, green & sustainability, to media & technology, digital & interaction. We expect this exhibition to be intuitive and sharable to the public and try to break the boundary of classroom to flatten the relationships between students and teachers. Mutual learning is the key to the future of our great city.

There are five sections in the exhibition: Interactivity of the Light, Skyline of the City, Calculus of the Energy, Formula of the Space, and Sound of the City. Each section starts from simple questions about living then leads to urban issues and environmental sustainability.

Exhibition Information:

Posted in Exhibition.