GIA Talks: 戴春 & Javier Maseda
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2017/05/22 於交大建築所一樓大廳
- 17:00~18:30 戴春—中國當代建築師的職業現實
- 18:30~19:00 用餐
- 19:00~20:30 Javier Maseda—馬德里歐洲設計學院創新實驗室
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[su_photo_panel color=”#666666″ shadow=”0px 1px 2px #eeeeee” radius=”4″ photo=”http://www.arch.nctu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/58c6329778bbb.jpg” alt=”戴春”]戴春 副教授[/su_photo_panel]
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[su_photo_panel color=”#666666″ shadow=”0px 1px 2px #eeeeee” radius=”4″ photo=”http://www.arch.nctu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/1ca9b6d.jpg” alt=”Javier Maseda”]Javier Maseda
Digital Design Director IED.es[/su_photo_panel]
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Javier Maseda is the head of the Digital Design Lab in Madrid and in charge of design and development of digital products that help the IED Network to communicate, learn, project and work online. Digital Design Lab is the digital and web environment research laboratory at IED Madrid. The mission of the lab is to create digital products for the IED group and for external companies and institutions.
Javier has a Web and Graphic Design background. He is also the co-director and creative director of a Design Magazine abreelojo.com in Spain, and the co-owner of an Email Marketing company teenvio in Europe.
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