[YA Talk] 裘振宇演講 2/26

Lecture Poster


  • 演講者:裘振宇
  • 演講時間:2014-2-26 18:30
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳
  • 題目:尤恩伍重的中國與未完成的雪梨歌劇院


講者: CHIU, Chen-Yu / 裘 振宇

Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Architecture
Aalto University

Jørn Utzon (1918-2008) had great fascination for the building cultures around the world throughout his lifetime, and Chinese architecture has been a persistent source that nurtured his architectural belief. His Sydney Opera house design (1956-66) presents how he perceived East Asian architecture as his inspiration, as his vision for this still unfinished masterpiece.

Posted in 活動, 演講.