
GIA Talk: 一個動畫的實驗旅程/王世偉


 時間:2017.11.09 19:00~21:00

於電腦動畫領域擁有豐富的資歷,參與過許多跨國際合作的電影及動畫影片的製作。2004 年擔任《MuMuHug》3D 動畫影集總導演,共獲得法國安錫動畫影展競賽片等二十多項國際影展肯定。其導演與監製作品「再探飛鼠部落」、「吉娃斯愛科學」原創動畫影集前後獲得二座金鐘獎最佳動畫節目獎。近期作品還包括「水生相」360 度環形投影動畫於國立台灣美術館展出,動畫裝置作品「百花綺園」並受邀於國立故宮博物院展出。目前正執導製作「LAQI妖怪森林」動畫電影。


YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

YA Talk: Kristof Crolla

2017.09.25 19:30~21:00

Kristof Crolla

Kristof Crolla (高仕棠) is a licensed architect who combines his architectural practice LEAD with an Assistant Professorship in Computational Design at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Architecture (CUHK).

He both trained and taught at the Architectural Association School of Architecture, London (AA) and worked for many years as Lead Architect for Zaha Hadid Architects. After graduating Magna Cum Laude at Ghent University and practicing in Belgium, he moved to London in 2005 and attended the AA’s master program Design Research Laboratory (AA-DRL), from where his student work with team “Sugar Inc.” was exhibited at the 2006 Venice Architecture Biennale. He has been invited as a jury critic, lecturer and tutor in numerous institutions in Europe, China, Chile and South Africa and moved to Hong Kong in 2010 where he currently teaches and practices. He is the recipient of  the Perspective 2012 40 under 40 Award.[:]

Posted in 演講.