[:zh]2014-09-22 年輕建築師講座:蔣文德[:en]YATalk by Wen-Te Chiang[:]

[:zh]YATalk by Wen-Te Chiang年輕建築師系列講座

  • 演講者:蔣文德
  • 演講時間:2014-09-22 18:30
  • 地點:交通大學人社一館 建築研究所大廳

本學期第一次 YATalk 請到多年旅英建築人蔣文德,前來分享在倫敦市政府建築審查部門的第一手工作經驗,以及當地都市設計規劃的相關資訊,並雜談跨領域的學習歷程。

歡迎自由參加![:en]YATalk by Wen-Te Chiang

The first YATalk of Fall 2014 invites Wen-Te Chiang to give a lecture at 18:30 on Monday, 9/22, at the lobby of HA Building, NCTU-Architecture. Chiang, who practice in London for many years, shares us insights and experiences of the urban review process in UK government and valuable urban planning issues in city development.

Chiang holds MArch from NCKU; Master of Building and Planning, NCTU; Master from London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); and is now PhD candidate at Cambridge University. He has practiced in Hong Kong, and offer urban planning and review service in public sector in London. His doctoral research focuses on issues in retail spaces and urban planning.


Posted in 演講.